mcamacho on FamilyTreeCircles - journals

mcamacho on Family Tree Circles

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Maskill Family

My name is Monica Camacho, I have been trying to working on my family tree. But never got to know my great grandmother's side of the family. I have always wanted to know my family and never got the privilege of knowing them. Not even her brother. I know his name was Joe Maskill. Her father Sam Maskill and Mother Celestina (Rodriguez) Maskill. I also know that she spoke of having family in; if I remember correctly, Sicily. If there is anyone out there that can give me any kind of information, it would be greatly appreciated. Me and my Aunt are really wanting to correspond with family and maybe one day being able to meet them. Share stories about our grandmother and learning of her brother, or any aunts and uncles she had. Thank you in advance. Monica Camacho

2 comment(s), latest 5 years, 6 months ago